EnglishBooster unlocks and develops the communication skills of your talents* in their specific professional context. In English.


The Programs

Boost your talents’ communication skills in English.


Co-create a training experience addressing a specific need or issue in your organisation.

Other languages

Boost your talents’ impact in French, Spanish, and Italian.

Executive Coaching

Enhance the leadership skills of your senior managers and high potentials. In English.

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The Three Pillars of the EnglishBoosterTM  Method

Great communication skills are one of the best tools to advance your career. But if you are like many professionals, you may not feel comfortable speaking up in meetings, interviews, or giving a presentation.

The good news is there the  EnglishBoosterTM allows to unleash the untapped oral communication potential that exists in everyone. We accomplish this by leveraging three interconnected drivers.


Participants learn how to connect with and capture the attention of an audience in English, making an impact by using their existing English abilities. By concentrating on the substance of the message (not perfection), inner barriers to speaking disappear and ideas are freely expressed. Participants gain a stronger repertoire of communication skills.


EnglishBooster’s facilitators are highly experienced trainers, academically qualified, and have typically held management positions in global companies. They act as coaches in the sessions, creating learning challenges that take participants out of the comfort zone to boost confidence and competence.


The EnglishBooster method is based on a combination of different pedagogical formats: role-playing, face-to-face / video / telephone, individual sessions / workshops. These different formats work in synergy to create breakthrough moments and emotions, making the new skills stick faster and be retained longer.


We are committed to building individualized support.for each individual with the definition of three SMART* objectives at the start and the follow-up of their achievement at the end of the training.

We are committed to significantly increasing your English** in specific contexts where you need to perform (calls, meetings, presentations, negotiations, public speaking).

We are committed to offering you an optimal return on your investment in time: you increase your English while working on your own meetings, presentations or professional issues.

The pedagogical supervision is provided by highly experienced and academically qualified trainers, who have typically held management positions in global companies. They act as coaches in the sessions, creating learning challenges that take participants out of the comfort zone to boost confidence and competence.


*Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time effective
**Measured by 3 key indicators: (1) Creating audio/video recording at the beginning and end of the program (2) Self-assessment of participants at start and during the program

Solutions to your needs


Present with confidence, clarity and impact

Yes you can

Speak Up

Speak up in meetings and calls in English

to the floor


Present to convince demanding decision-makers and hard-to-please stakeholders

Get a yes


Shine in all your business interactions in English. SHINE!

The magnetic speaker


Tic, tac, switch from your native language to English.



Neutralize negative thoughts and boost your confidence in English. GO, GO, BOOST!

The confident speaker

We are certified…


Qualiopi certificate here


And award-winning!

HR Innovation Night trophy presentation, here